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Frequently Asked Questions

There are a lot of questions that I get asked about with virtual design. Here are the most common questions that I get asked:


Why do I need an Interior Designer for my Short Term Rental (STR)?

While I recognize that every investor operates within budget constraints when setting up their STR, it's important to note that data indicates investing in the interior design of a STR can yield significant returns, potentially increasing revenue by 20% or more. A meticulously planned design not only enhances booking rates but also elevates guest reviews. A visually appealing listing entices guests to click, while professional interior design contributes to a superior guest experience, resulting in higher ratings. Remember, your short-term rental is a business, and like any business, it requires strategic investments to optimize returns over time. By investing in interior design, you're not only enhancing the appeal of your property but also maximizing your potential ROI.

What is e-design?

E-design, also known as virtual interior design, offers an alternative approach to traditional in-person design services. Instead of engaging a designer for face-to-face interactions, e-design allows clients to collaborate with professionals remotely, often via email or online platforms. Known for its cost-effectiveness and efficiency, online design services offer a streamlined and expedited process compared to traditional methods of home interior design.

What is included in e-design?

I have several packages to choose from. Whether you need a full home design or just a room, I am here to help. I also offer design services such as choosing finishes and paint colors. You can find my service packages here.

What is the timeline for an e-design project?

From the first phone call to the complete project delivered is about 2 weeks for a full home design. 

How do I get you my measurements?

This is something I need you to get to me. You can either measure a room yourself or have a contractor measure the rooms.

Can you work within my budget?

In general, in order for your project to qualify for my Virtual Design Services, your furnishing, decor and stocking budget will need to be A MINIMUM of the following (this does not include the design fee which will be billed separately):


  • $15k for a 1 bedroom property

  • $20k for a 2 bedroom property

  • $30k for a 3 bedroom property

  • $40k for a 4 bedroom property

  • And so on

  • If you plan on adding any extensive outdoor spaces, bonus rooms like game rooms or theaters, or added amenities like luxury kitchens, the required budget will increase


If your budget is below that amount, I can still help you but it would be more on an hourly basis and you will have to put more work on your end. This is something we can discuss, just send over an inquiry.

I don't know what design style I want - is that okay?

Absolutely! That is where I come in. I will take into account different factors such as location, style of home, design of competition, and more. Whether you know what you want and just need help putting it together, or have no idea about design - I am here to help you!

Do you ever offer any discounts?

I offer discounts on full home projects. This is something I am more than happy to discuss with you on our first discovery call.

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